SMART BLADE Serrations
Improve the noise emission of your turbines by installing serrations. Noise regulations force many operators to run their turbines in a noise-reduced mode especially at night. Serrations help to reduce noise emissions and bring the turbines back to a higher mode of operation. This can increase your AEP by up to 5%.
The Technology
Trailing edge serrations (TES) reduce the noise of the so called “turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise”. This is the dominant noise source of a wind turbine.
Small eddies in the thin boundary layer can be seen as pressure fluctuations. Unfortunately, these pressure fluctuations scatter most effectively at a trailing edge which is perpendicular to the flow. In other words they will be radiated as strong sound waves.
A serrated trailing edge eliminates the perpendicularity, making the sound radiation less effective and thus less noisy.
Our turn-key solution
Our serrations reduce the overall sound power level by up to 3dB. We support you with a full noise measurement to help you understand the performance of our serrations.
Our application method is simple, clean and reliable. We use a similar technique to our proven Vortex Generators.
With our extensive experience from over 3000 VG installations, we developed both a durable and easy-to-install solution. Our internal material tests give us confidence in offering you a product that will satisfy all your needs. For our materials and adhesives we collaborate with our partner 3M.
With our in-house developed noise measuring system, we are able to efficiently perform acoustic noise measurements according to IEC 61400-11. We offer internal noise measurements before and after the serration installation and before you commission an accredited institution to obtain an official result.
Impact on loads
Our serrations are designed to be load neutral. We do not incorporate a trailing edge extension in the device. The functionality of the product is tailored solely to the minimization of noise. The aerodynamic effect of the serrations has been validated in wind tunnel measurements and CFD simulations.