Utilization of Modern Large Scale HAWT Blade Design Techniques for the Development of Small HWAT Blades.

Proceedings of ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 2014 ASME/IGTI, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany
Authors: G. Pechlivanoglou, G. Weinzierl, I.T. Masmanidis, C.N. Nayeri, T.P. Philippidis, C.O. Paschereit

Lately the need for modern medium capacity wind turbines for self-consumption within urban and rural areas has risen again. The great majority however of the large wind turbine manufacturers are not interested in this small profit market. SMART BLADE GmbH in cooperation with the CORE Team of the University of Patras have decided to develop modern, sophisticated rotor blades with state of the art tools from the multi-MW wind turbine industry in order to boost the development of the upcoming modern small capacity wind turbines. The current paper presents the design of a modern 4m wind turbine blade with optimal aerodynamic design aimed at a variable speed hybrid stall operation.